Prints & Work on Paper

John Taylor Arms, Old Rouen, 1927

Milton Avery, Gray Nude, 1953

Milton Avery, Gray Sea, 1963

Herbert Bayer, Untitled, ca. 1969

Jean Rene Bazaine, Abstract, 1957

Frank W. Benson, Cloudy Dawn, 1922

Thomas Hart Benton, Goin' Home, 1937

Beatrice V. Berlin, Indian Summer II, ca. 1960

Isabel Bishop, Students Walking, 1971

Morris Blackburn, Still Life, 1941

Arnold Blanch, Floral Magic, 1953

Richard Bosman, Snowman, 1984

Dorothy Bowman, Dawn and Moon, 1964

Harvey Breverman, Dutchman, 1967

George Elmer Browne, The Bailers, 1934

Alice Standish Buell, Vermont Landmark, ca. 1940

Pierre Célice, Unititled Orange, 1972

Sidney Chafetz, Debussy, 1968

Marc Chagall, Jacob Weeps for Joseph, ca. 1931

Alfred Edward Chalon, The Promenade, 19th Century

Albert Christ-Janer, Landforms #50, 1968

Arthur Cohen, Bridge Silhouette, 1983

Bernard Cohen, VI, 1965

James Coignard, Rouge Limite, 1988

Lee Copeland, Furness Building, 1989

John Edward Costigan, Going Home, 1940

Jack Coughlin, Owl in Flight, ca. 1970

Salvador Dali, Ace of Diamonds, 1970

Salvador Dali, Jack of Diamonds, 1970

Salvador Dali, King of Diamonds, 1970

Salvador Dali, King of Spades, 1971

Salvador Dali, Queen of Diamonds, 1970

Honoré Daumier, Un Affreux Trio, 1852

Stuart Davis, Figures and El, 1931

Jean Dubuffet, Geometrie, 1959

Raoul Dufy, Anemones, 1953

Raoul Dufy, Three Graces, 1942

Albrecht Dürer, Crucifixion, 1511

Albrecht Dürer, Deposition, 1512

Albrecht Dürer, Dream of the Doctor, ca. 1498

Albrecht Dürer, Resurrection, 1512

Mabel Dwight, Night Work, 1931

Frank Eckmair, Public Landing, 1965

Fritz Eichenberg, King Lear, ca. 1950

Marisol Escobar, Untitled 3, 1978

Lyonel Feininger, Hansaflotte, 1920

Lyonel Feininger, Virtuoso, 1919

Mary Frank, Man in the Water, 1987

Mary Frank, Nasturtium, 1979

Antonio Frasconi, Miguel, 20th Century

Don Freeman, Trickery at the Polls, 20th Century

Joseph Goldyne, Violin, 1986

Adolph Gottlieb, Blue Night, 1970

Robert Gray, Mexican Portrait (Man) from "Four Mexican Woodcuts", 20th Century

William Gropper, The Fisherman, 1965

Riva Helfond, Polo Players, 1946

James Hendershot, Sleeping Car, 1978

Utagawa Hiroshige, White Rain, Shono, ca. 1830

Jacques Hnizdovsky, Tiger Cat II, ca. 1950

Howard Hodgkin, Red Bermudas, 1980

Irwin D. Hoffman, Man of God, 1936

Jacob Kainen, Marine Apparition, 1949

Stanley Kaplan, Home Run, 1972

Ilonka Karasz, Plowing, 1920

Tcha-Sup Kim, Window, 1977

Karl Knaths, Double Self-Portrait, 1976

Maxime Lalanne, Old Rouen, 1881

Eugene Larkin, Nude, 1952

Jacob Lawrence, The Workshop, 1972

Richard Lindner, Two Women, 1977

Luigi Lucioni, Dominating Trees, 1964

Luigi Lucioni, Stones and Shadows, 1956

Helen Lundeberg, Ruins, 1937

Lisa Mackie, First Thaw in Ludlow, 1987

Ethel Magafan, Clothesline, 1975

Paul Manes, Untitled, ca. 1987

Édouard Manet, La Toilette, 1862

Reginald Marsh, Coney Island Beach, 1934

Frans Masereel, The City, ca. 1925

Frans Masereel, Untitled, ca. 1925

Henri Matisse, Etude pour la Vierge, Tête voilée, ca. 1950

Naoko Matsubara, Chinese Dancer, ca. 1960

Naoko Matsubara, Tanabata, ca. 1965

Thomas McKnight, Porch Overlooking Lake, 21st Century

Peter Milton, Daylillies, 1975

Amedeo Modigliani, Jeanne Hetenval, ca. 1909

Norma Morgan, Moorland Sanctuary, 1972

Robert Motherwell, Africa 10, 1970

Elizabeth Murray, Chair, 1990

Bruce Nauman, Body Pressure, 1974

Thom O'Connor, Mystic, 1965

Max Papart, Inca Bird, 1985

Joseph Pennell, Coal and Coke, 1909

Joseph Pennell, Flatiron Building, 1904

Joseph Pennell, Stock Exchange, ca. 1920

Peter Phillips, Gravy for the Navy, 1968

Linda Plotkin, Morning, 1978

Steve Poleskie, Patchogue II, 20th Century

David Prentice, Salute, 1982

Odilon Redon, Pegasus Captif, 1891

Charles Richert, Bass Harbor, ca. 1950

Clare Romano, Eternal City II, 1968

James Rosenquist, Black Tie, 1977

Susan Rothenberg, Boneman, 1986

Susan Rothenberg, Five Color Wishbone, ca. 1981

Susan Rothenberg, Head and Bones, 1980

Susan Rothenberg, Pinks, 1980

Susan Rothenberg, Spinning, 1986

Betye Saar, Return to Dreamtime, 1990

Hector Saunier, Nest, 1977

Karl Schrag, Sea, Wind, and Stars, 1961

Sarah Sears, The Big Snow, 1984

John Sloan, The Wake on the Ferry, 1949

Eve Sonneman, Deep Runners, 1986

Raphael Soyer, Fannie, 1969

(After George Stubbs), Mambrino

Carol Summers, Fontana, 1965

Rikio Takahashi, S. No. 10, 1968

Rufino Tamayo, Hombre y Mujer, 1925

Francesc Torres, Northern Guernica, 1968

Unknown Artist, Costume Plate - Furie, ca. 1779

Reva Urban, 56 Series Pastels 1, 1956

Reva Urban, Print from Fantasy Series, ca. 1980

Reva Urban, Print from Fantasy Series, ca. 1980

Reva Urban, Print from Fantasy Series, ca. 1980

Reva Urban, Print from the Fantasy Series, ca. 1980

Reva Urban, Print from the Fantasy Series, ca. 1980

Chryssa Vardea, Abstract, ca. 1978

Jacques Villon, Seated Woman, ca. 20th Century

Chen Yu, Moon Night, 1981

Anders Zorn, Vicke, 1918