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Antillean Couple

Antillean Couple, 1957, Bronze, Metal
Agustin Cárdenas (Cuban, 1927 – 2001)

This 15-foot-tall cast bronze sculpture was brought to Penn in 1999. The work was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Loria, who also donated Robert Indiana’s “Love” sculpture that same year. Augustin Cardenas’ abstract depiction of a pair of standing humans reflects the many stylistic and cultural influences in his art. Cardenas, a Cuban born sculptor, moved to Paris in 1955 and became active in the Surrealist movement. The elongated and abstracted figures in Antillean Couple demonstrate Surrealist characteristics but also reflect the African influences often found in Cardenas’ art. The work bears the name of Antillia, the supposedly lost Caribbean island that, according to 15th century nautical maps, was frequented by European explorers. This piece, along with a number of Cardenas’ other works, shows that the artist did not lose sight of his Caribbean origins during his stay in Europe.

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Location: 36th & Sansom Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104

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