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Love, ca. 1966, Metal

Gross Area (sq. ft.): 6' x 3' x 3'. Black painted, polygon form. Four 3 dimensional letters.

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Robert Indiana’s Love sculpture is one of the most ubiquitous images of the city of Philadelphia. Another version of this sculpture can be seen in LOVE Park at 18th and JFK, where it was originally installed in 1976 as part of the United States Bicentennial celebration. LOVE is perhaps the best representation of Indiana’s style, as his works consist of bold, simple, iconic images, especially numbers and short words like EAT and HUG. Love was first created for the Christmas card for the Museum of Modern Art in 1964 and was included in a US Postal Service stamp in 1973. In 2008, Indiana created an image similar to his iconic LOVE (the word HOPE), and donated all proceeds from the sale of reproductions of his image to Barrack Obama’s presidential campaign, raising over $1,000,000. This work was donated to the University by Mr. Jeffrey Loria in 1996.

Location: Blanche Levy Park, Philadelphia PA

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