Abstract, ca. 1978, Serigraph
Chryssa Vardea (Greek American, 1933 – 2013)
Chryssa Vardea, known professionally as Chryssa, was a sculptor and printmaker who was especially well known for her symbol-laden sculptures and prints of the 1960s and 70s. Born in Athens, Greece, in 1933, Chryssa studied in Paris and San Francisco before moving to New York in 1955. Inspired by the advertising in Times Square, she was one of the first artists to experiment with neon in her sculpture, often in combination with bronze, aluminum, plaster, wood, canvas, and paint. Chryssa expressed her interest in communication, letters, and symbols through experimental baked-clay tablets, and later through her monumental 1966 sculpture, The Gates to Times Square. Her work, although saturated with signs and symbols, often cannot be easily read—instead she purposefully leaves her text illegible, fragmented, and ambiguous, leading the viewer to ponder the act of deciphering.
Framing: Silver metal with blue metal liner.
Frame size: 32" x 31"